The Journey to Bipolar l Diagnosis

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The people featured in this video are sharing their individual experiences living with bipolar I. They have all been compensated for their time.

Individual experiences with the condition and treatment will vary. This resource is brought to you by AbbVie.

The Journey to Bipolar I Diagnosis


The first four years of the twins’ life, they didn’t have a mom. I was not there physically. I was not there mentally. I didn’t want to leave the house. I didn’t want to leave the bed.


When I’m with people, I have fun at the party or have fun with my friends. I’m outgoing. Then they don’t hear from me for three months. They wonder if I dropped off the face of the earth.


It just took a long period of my life before anybody recognized the help I needed.


A woman I was casually dating at the time knew something was up. Everything was wrong. Everything that I believed about myself, my life, my thought process. The world fell apart instantly. I was admitted to a psych ward.


I really needed to get help. I saw a couple doctors and a therapist and they diagnosed me with bipolar I.


It was actually a relief when I received my diagnosis because I knew then that I wasn’t just a miserable person. There was actually a label. There was actually a name for it. And now that I had this name for it, I could move forward.


I feel better knowing what the diagnosis was and why I was having these different issues. I’d rather be diagnosed with something that I can control.


From getting my correct diagnosis and getting the treatment that I’ve needed, I believe I’m a stronger person.


There was no journey for me to a bipolar diagnosis. One day I thought that I was normal, and the next day I was in a psychiatric ward. I went from wanting to die to suddenly realizing that there are options, and that there’s hope, and then I have a medical illness. It wasn’t a journey, it was instant.

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